SKU: MMS_ColdWeatherKit

T1N Cold Weather Kit (2001-06 Vans)

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Even in the cold weather, your Sprinter should be able to maintain about 180* temperature and blow warm air into the cabin. 

Over the years, we at MMS have consistently seen three points of failure that can stop you and your engine from staying warm in the cold. 

1. Thermostat

The original T1N thermostat can last 10 years or more, and when it fails, the most obvious way to tell is that your van consistently runs cooler than 180*F and way below that in the winter. This also causes the heat coming out of the vents to be mediocre at best. 

2. Aux coolant pump

This pump also can last 10 or more years but it's failure is not so obvious. If, in the winter, you only get hot air blowing through the vents while the engine is driving but not while idling, then your aux coolant pump is probably bad. An easy way to test this pump is to turn your ignition on, but not the engine. The pump should be on. Pop the hood and put your hand on the pump to feel it pumping/vibrating. 

3. Winter grill cover

In the winter months, it's not uncommon to see school busses and other large diesel trucks with covers over their grills. These grill covers help give the engine an added measure of heat entrapment to keep the engine and occupants warm, even when the temperature outside dips well below freezing. MMS is proud to offer molded grill covers for your T1N Sprinter grill.  They are easily secured with the included hardware or with zip ties. 

The winter grill covers fit the Mercedes & Freightliner T1N Sprinter grills but they do NOT fit the Dodge grills. 

This trio of T1N parts are cold weather busting in combination and is just the thing you and your van need to stay warm this winter and many more to come.